Buy Any domain name aquisition service

Buy Any dot com domain name

A private domain acquisition and holding service

The sale of names in our portfolio

Whilst we are primarily domain investors, we do receive offers to buy some of our names. We are happy to consider these, but as investors in virtual assets, we are primarily interested in investment exchanges. This means that our preferred choice of payment is Bitcoin. Also we will be pleased to accept English Sovereign and Brittania gold coins. We use Name Silo as our registrar, and names can be pushed to a Name Silo account immediately on receipt of payment. Of course, registrar transfers are available for buyers who prefer not to use Name Silo. A Bitcoin payment is considered to be firm after the transaction has received 3 block confirmations.

Featured names offered for sale - Everybody wants free Bitcoin. (offer price - 0.05 Bitcoin)

Contact us via the Baronets ticket system

Buy any dot com is part of the Baronets domain management service. You can contact us to make an offer on, or to report any of the names listed on the BuyAny sites.

Contact us via the Baronets ticket system

We use Name Silo for the majority of our domain name registrations